Session 1
Title: Ethics By Choice Or By Chance 2.5 hours (150 Min)
Presenter: Pam Gwin Coder
Course Objective:
Working with reporters to identify tricky ethical situations in various settings we encounter every day in the workplace and how to effectively handle said situations immediately, effectively, professionally, humorously, and ethically for the benefit of the reporter as well as the clients.
Special format: Group participation and discussion.
Specific topics:
Pam discusses changes in the Ethics rules for NCRA as well as some other states like Texas and Arizona. She also takes the class through what to do ethically in certain situations dealing with attorneys and clients.
Session 2
Title: “Court Reporting – It Ain’t No Picnic” – Ethics 2.5 hrs (150 minutes)
Presenter: Pam Coder, CSR
Pam discusses the importance of staying informed about current legislative matters affecting our positions across the nation, how to get involved in helping firms/clients with the current shortage of court reporters and being effectual.
Specific Topics:
- Matters happening all across the country with regard to reporting
- What has been effective and not effective in helping with our career paths current legislation
- Knowing your worth
- Dealing with difficult attorneys
- Situations associated with the shortage of reporters
- Last minute requests when you are already on overload
- Rough drafts – what are they
- Reporting layoffs
- How you can help your colleagues, etc…
Session 3
Title: “Researching Safely On The Internet” – 2 hrs (120 minutes)
Presenter: Jeff Justice
Course Objective:
To show court reporters how to safely navigate and search the internet.
Specific topics:
- The top 10 internet safety rules
- What not to do online
- Keeping your computer virus free
- Keeping the kids safe online
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