3.0 Transcription Tales

Title: “Transcription Tales” How to master grammar and punctuation: 3 hours Presenter: Carrie Pique, CSR SPECIFIC TOPICS: • Proofreading excerpt transcripts. • How punctuation can save lives; i.e., Let’s eat, Grandma; instead of...


Title: “Transcription Tales”

How to master grammar and punctuation: 3 hours

Presenter: Carrie Pique, CSR


• Proofreading excerpt transcripts.

• How punctuation can save lives; i.e., Let’s eat, Grandma; instead of Let’s eat grandma.

• Will cover homonyms, synonyms, antonyms,
• Will cover properly marking exhibits, certifying questions, inserting parentheticals. • Researching materials for medical and technical depositions.

After taking this course, reporters will feel more confident in transcribing their transcripts. They will have a good understanding of accurately composing a well-read transcript. The reporters will have fun while brushing up on their transcription skills.

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